
I used to think blogging, Tweeting, Face-booking and other forms for social media were just a technological means to egocentric expression.  However…

After my husband Bill and I went through the humbling experience at age 60-plus of being laid off, deemed unemployable, losing our home, declaring bankruptcy and moving from our dream home in Boise, Idaho  to live with my mother in Sun City, Arizona, I have a new appreciation for this wonderful, mind-boggling medium.

Yes, it can be a means for egocentric expression (I mean really, who cares what you had for breakfast or the consistency of your daily dump – besides my mother, that is), but it’s also an amazing, cathartic release of frustration and a way to connect with others and share common experiences so you don’t feel so alone.  And maybe, most importantly, it’s a way to remind me that God has a sense of humor and so should I.

13 Comments on “About”

  1. Jenny says:

    OMG – This is great!

  2. justdan93 says:

    G’Day! I’ve nominated you for Blog Special Award (It’s really something “special” :] ), since I find your blog different from many others and very amazing. You can find out more information about it on my page: http://justdan93.wordpress.com/a/.

  3. AirportsMadeSimple says:

    Wow. Besides what you’ve been through, your Mom sounds like a real character! 🙂 I’m guessing she’s anti-internet, “screen” or anything related? At least my mom is – ha. Well, it’s a learning curve, to be sure. I kind of felt the same way until I found some great folks out there. They really keep you going. 🙂

    • Patt says:

      She’s funny about technology. Her PC was given to her great grand daughter (to use as a toy, it was so old) several years ago. About all she did with it was make greeting cards and mess up email. She’s got some “interesting” points of view and our talks are, more often than not, pretty funny.

  4. Michael says:

    I am very sorry for all you have been through….God will strengthen you and your family..

  5. sugarbeechronicles says:

    Just discovered you — I’m enjoying this! Keep on writing! ~Susan

  6. Hi, I’ve nominated you for the super sweet blogging award at http://gettingridofboredom.wordpress.com/2013/06/19/the-super-sweet-blogging-award/.
    I hope you will accept it. Even if you wish not to,please know that I really enjoy reading your posts.

  7. Patt says:

    Thank you so much for the nomination and for reading my blog. I’m glad that you enjoy it.

  8. belsbror says:

    Hi! I nominated you for the Imagine Award. Please get the badge at http://wp.me/s32YrK-roaming and get more info. Have an imaginative New Year. Blessings, belsbror.

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